Billing & Insurance

Inspire Connections Therapy is currently in-network with Medical Mutual. We also accept the Jon Peterson Scholarship and Autism Scholarship as well as private pay clients.

We are in the process of adding additional insurance. Please contact us to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Practice Questions

  • Absolutely! We encourage parents to participate so that they can see the strategies and supports in action and can practice with their child in a supportive setting. We are parents too, so we understand that children respond differently when parents are around. If needed, we will create alternate plans to get families the education and training they need to best support their child.

  • We do. It is important we complete an evaluation so that we get the information needed to best support your child. If your child has a speech and language evaluation from the last 6 months, we can review this and determine if additional information is needed.

  • We have a few options, like a SuperBill and self-pay option. We discuss the pros and cons of all options during our initial intake phone call.

  • An average session is between 30 and 60 minutes. We determine the exact length of the session and frequency after the completion of an evaluation.

  • We do not! Contact us, and we can get the process started.

Therapy questions

  • We adjust our coaching sessions to meet your family’s needs and learning style. Some families learn through the “I do, we do, you do” approach, others participate in sessions and get feedback, and others get reading materials for each new strategy and support.

  • We do not recommend it. Research tells us that early intervention is key to supporting language delays. At Inspire Connections Therapy, we support the child and family early so that we can collaboratively create an environment that is ideal for learning language.

  • All play is okay! We believe that you can communicate about anything. If the child is really interested in something, it is the perfect topic for learning communication. We tap into all kinds of interests and strengths and can work our therapy session around them.

  • Unfortunately, everyone's needs and development are different. There are so many variables to mastery of communication skills. We are very transparent with our goals and celebrate all the successes along the way.

  • Kids learn best when they are playing! This is a great way to engage, build connections, and support communication. It also provides so many opportunities for generalization into your life at home and in the community.

AAC questions

  • This will vary slightly by individual. Generally, we do an initial evaluation where we look at 3 different systems. We trial them, and we take some time to show the family each component of each device. At the end, we pick a device to trial. After that trial, we write a report and explore funding options.

  • We can help you with this! If your child has limited or no verbal language, has a lot to share but is really hard to understand, or gets frustrated when they can’t get their point across - AAC may be right for them. Contact us today and we can talk about your options.

  • We absolutely can! Supporting families, educational teams, and others who are around AAC users is a passion of ours. There are options for individual coaching sessions, coaching embedded in therapy sessions, and trainings.

  • We believe in using multiple forms of AAC to support communication. We equip families with lite tech pictures supports, buttons, and high tech devices to meet the needs of the child in their home environment.

  • AAC will create the opportunity for so much more communication. When you pair the visual and auditory component of AAC and provide a robust vocabulary, you give the child the opportunity to share their thoughts/ideas and wants/needs with everyone.

  • This can vary depending on the funding source. Anywhere from the next day (self-pay) to several months (insurance). Don’t worry though, we have some options to support the longer wait so that the child has access to language along the way.